Transformation has tradition at Haufe Group.
The corporate history of Haufe Group is a story of transformation: From traditional specialist publisher to a pioneering content, software and training provider.

Every transformation
begins with innovation.
begins with innovation.
The igniting factor is always an idea. Implemented with passion and determination, it can develop into innovation, and strong innovation always has the power to trigger a transformation. As a result of numerous innovations , our company has transformed itself time and again. Three examples:
From loose-leaf binder to HR software.
The loose-leaf binder from 1951 provided knowledge and legal requirements for HR departments in paper form. We’ve been consistently reinventing this product for the past 70 years, and today we offer an online solution with numerous work aids.

From floppy disk to cloud-based solutions.
In 1993, Lexware developed a program on floppy disk for automated travel expense invoicing. Today, Lexware primarily offers cloud-based software solutions for finance and accounting.

From the very first seminars to 500,000 learners.
Haufe seminars were offered for the first time in 1978. In the 1990s the Haufe Akademie was founded, which quickly expanded its range of topics beyond law, business and tax.

Our path to the working world of tomorrow.
A dearth of skilled labor, digitalization and new working models: The world of work is not on the brink of a revolution, but right in the middle of it.
We significantly support and influence the working world of the future with our content, software and training. We make a direct contribution that enables people to not only recognize and exploit their own potential but also that of others.
We not only support and accompany customers with our products and solutions, but also help them with transformation issues such as digitalization, thus ensuring they remain fit for the future.
How we’ll work tomorrow is not something that’s been on our minds since yesterday.
It’s part of our DNA that we constantly think about the future, and to be precise, we’ve been doing it since 1951. This also applies to our working environment, which we consistently develop further.
We work in a hybrid way.
The working world of the future is hybrid at Haufe Group. A large part of the work can be done remotely. At the same time though, encounters are important so that we can practice and live our culture. This is why we’ve designed all rooms and spaces to accord to our hybrid model of work. There are numerous rooms where people can meet as places for inspiration, creativity and collaboration.

Teams organize themselves.
Each team decides together with its respective manager whether and how often it works remotely or in the office. Everyone is equipped with mobile devices and a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure enables teamwork from anywhere. The right to work from home is even anchored in a Group sales agreement, and all employees can work from other European countries for up to eight weeks per year.

We take personal responsibility seriously.
We keep hierarchies as flat as possible: employees receive a great deal of trust, which goes hand in hand with a high level of personal responsibility. Large parts of the organization even practice agile working.

„With HG.hybrid, we combine the best of different working environments and jointly decide how we work together - today and in the future.“
The five success principles of HG.hybrid
Even more room
to shape the future:
Our new campus building.
to shape the future:
Our new campus building.
The latest new building in Freiburg ideally symbolizes our transformation – it doesn’t just offer more space but conveys a feeling of openness and innovation. A modern working environment that enables personal exchange, creativity and collaborative work, and a place where people are keen to come together.