Supply chains - responsibility & due diligence obligations
At the Haufe Group, we have created a Group-wide compass with our mission statement that guides our actions and behavior. This naturally includes respect for human rights as a core value.
The management of the respective company is responsible for the implementation of and compliance with the statutory provisions and regulations. Consequently, it is also responsible for implementing the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act within the Haufe Group. Responsibility for the practical implementation of compliance is delegated to a central LkSG officer and reviewed by the LkSG committee. The LkSG officer informs the management at regular intervals about implementation. Responsibility for compliance remains with the management.
Our understanding of due diligence and our human rights strategy is anchored in our declaration of principles.
Policy statement
November 2024
Accountability report in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
November 2024
Serious information helps us to counteract violations at an early stage and reduce damage to our company, our employees and our business partners. We therefore offer an electronic complaints channel and the option of contacting us to report violations - anonymously if desired.
Whistleblower system
Rules of procedure for the complaints process
Human rights and environmental obligations are addressed to employees and business partners in the following standards in addition to our policy statement:
Code of conduct for employees
November 2024
Code of conduct for business partners
November 2024
Contact Compliance Team
Do you have any questions about compliance or do you suspect a compliance violation or the risk of one? Then simply send an e-mail to
Norbert Böhler (group compliance manager) is always available to answer any questions or provide information about compliance and the compliance management system at Haufe Group.

Norbert Böhler
Essentially, a compliance management system (CMS) comprises the regulations, processes, and measures that a company defines to ensure conformity with laws, standards, and company-specific rules. We are guided by the CMS reference definitions in ISO 19600:2014 and IDW PS 980.
Haufe Group’s compliance management system has three core principles: prevent, detect, and react. Our measures include guidelines and procedures, assessment and reduction of compliance risks, training and communication, advice and support, integration of compliance into operational processes, documentation and monitoring, and compliance auditing and investigation.
Our compliance management system encompasses covers six areas: ethics, labor law, anti-corruption, antitrust legislation, contracts, data protection and IT security.
The Legal + Compliance department at Haufe Group is an executive department and thus reports directly to the board. For dataprotection and IT security, the company relies on cross-departmental cooperation.
Das Compliance-System unterstützt das Unternehmen, dessen Mitarbeiter sowie Geschäftspartner durch Verfahren und Maßnahmen, mit denen Rechtskonformität und Redlichkeit bei der Führung der Geschäfte sichergestellt werden sollen. Die Haufe Group hat sich zu Compliance selbstverpflichtet und geht als Vorbild im Mittelstand voran.