Haufe Group awarded with MobilSiegel for climate-friendly mobility


Haufe Group has been awarded with the MobilSiegel seal of approval by Freiburger Verkehrs AG for its measures in the field of sustainable mobility solutions. This is the third time that the seal has been given to companies and organizations that actively promote environmentally friendly mobility options for their employees.

The MobilSiegel is awarded by Freiburger Verkehrs AG onbehalf of the city of Freiburg and in cooperation with the districts ofEmmendingen and Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. The aim is to encourage companies torethink their mobility strategies and develop solutions that meet the needs ofboth employees and the environment. The seal is given to companies that havetaken exemplary measures in the areas of organization, infrastructure,marketing and communication. Examples are the promotion of environmentallyfriendly means of transport such as bicycles or public transport for commutingto work, the provision of car-pooling or the promotion of home officeoptions.    

In the presence of Mayor Martin Horn, First StateOfficial Dr. Martin Barth (Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district) and DistrictAdministrator Hanno Hurth (Emmendingen district), the award ceremony took placeon October 19. A total of 28 companies and organizations, including HaufeGroup, were honored for their wide-ranging commitment. Corporate SustainabilityManager Daniel Thiemig accepted the award on behalf of Haufe Group.  

"Haufe Group has been focusing onsustainable mobility solutions for a long time and is continuously expandingits own range of products. We are therefore delighted to receive this award,which encourages us further in this important issue", said Daniel Thiemig,Corporate Sustainability Manager at Haufe Group. "The promotion andfurther development of sustainable mobility solutions is an important lever forclimate protection and the long-term reduction of CO2 emissions. Themore companies and organizations become active in this area, the faster we canall work together to successfully shape the transition to sustainabletransport."

Sustainable mobility solutionswithin Haufe Group  

As part of its sustainability activities, Haufe Group isactively committed to making business trips as well as the daily commute of itsown employees as environmentally friendly and climate-friendly as possible.Jürgen Spegel, CHRO of Haufe Group, emphasizes in this context: "As anemployer, it is important for us to raise awareness and inspire our employeeswith a variety of measures, benefits and campaigns for environmentally friendlymeans of transport. We are continuously working on expanding our range ofoffers and providing our employees with attractive opportunities."

Amongother things, Haufe Group encourages its employees to use public transport,regardless of whether they are travelling on business or privately, the vehiclefleet at the Freiburg site is being gradually electrified and charging stationsfor e-cars and e-bikes are available to employees and guests. In addition,Haufe Group is particularly committed to the use of bicycles as a means oftransport in everyday working life, for example through the JobRad companybicycle leasing concept, the organization of various bicycle action days andparticipation in programs such as STADTRADELN.

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Regina Glaser
Kerstin Schreck
Kerstin Boschütz